Based on the beloved fairy tale, "Beauty and the Beast" follows the fantastic adventures of Belle, a beautiful young French girl who yearns to escape the tedium of her provincial life and the advances of her macho-but-conceited suitor, Gaston. Belle's life takes an unexpected turn when she finds herself imprisoned by a brooding Beast, whose mysterious past holds the key to their future.
"A masterpiece. This is the only animated film ever nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, and you'll see why." - Lou Lumenick, New York Post
"On this giant canvas, the characters are even more endearing, songs more delightful, jokes funnier and love - ah, love! - is even grander." - Ellyee Field, The Detroit News
"Pure enchantment form beginning to end, the new 'Beauty' is one moviegoing experience that will leave you smiling happily ever after." - Michelle Fannin, Philadelphia Daily News